- Joyce (JOY) Be Lynda Russaw




The LORD is the everlasting God; he created all the world. He never grows tired or weary.”

Isaiah 40:28 

  The more your life changes, the more time with God is necessary. The quiet time with God entails reading the Bible and praying to God. After prayer time, quiet yourself and listen for God to speak.

When you’re stressed out, time alone with God is a great stabilizer and energizer. We’ve all experienced a lot of stress in the last few years, and some of us don’t have as much energy as we used to. Chronic stress has taken a toll on our lives as they have changed. Are you feeling tired? That’s natural. It’s what chronic stress does to the body. No matter how much sleep you get, you wake up tired or feel tired later in the day.

 Most people are trying to make it; if you are trying to make it, you are not alone. If you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed, and barely hanging on, you must remember Isaiah 40:28: “Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? The LORD is the everlasting God; he created all the world. He never grows tired or weary.”

God created the entire universe in six days—and he only rested on the seventh day to model a Sabbath for us. He never gets tired! He is never overwhelmed or worn out. He never gets stressed. He can handle anything—including all the things you can’t. When you spend more time with God, who never grows tired or weary, you will have more energy. Spending time with God is not a burden or a drain—it’s the opposite! He gives strength to those who are weary. He gives peace and rest.

If you’re stressed, don’t seek a quick fix, don’t look for a shortcut, and don’t fight changes that you can’t possibly control. Instead, spend time with God every day.


And that is the way it is_


Being  Alone does not necesssarily mean you are LONELY

Being alone can be a blessing. Many of us believe that alone means you are lonely_ but that is not always true. When you are overworked, tired, or need soul searching_ being alone can be a time of quiet and self-reflection. The world bombards you with information, news, global events, noise, and personal issues. It is a small wonder we can have rational thoughts.

 When you take downtime away from your daily schedule or work, you can decompress and nurture the mind, body, and spirit without distractions. Alone time frees you to return to your true self. It opens the door to awareness and opens your heart and mind, allowing you to discover what others contribute to or subtract from your well-being, where you are deficient and need work.

 Alone time is a revival that brings you back to your center and guides you toward spiritual alignment with Mother Earth.



As children of the heavenly Father, we have attributes that support us on our journey—characteristics and qualities to handle the ups and downs. We may feel comfortable when life is up, but when life is down and we face the unknown_ God prepared us to stand firm and walk in our faith. When life gets uncomfortable, and we are in a situation that darkens our path, we work to bring in the light. Sometimes, the light you bring is insufficient, and you need divine help. 

 Where is your faith if you doubt your ability to face life’s struggles? We are survivors! Deep in our spirit, there is holy power. When channeled correctly, the united power of the people can change the world. In your personal life, align your energy with that of Jesus Christ, and the downs in life will take care of themselves.

 You never walk alone but can only know your strength once life demands it.


Prayer for Strength and Mercy

Lord God, thou knowest what I am and where I belong. Have mercy upon me and strengthen me, that I may not through weakness stay in the darkness. Lead me out into the light; and may I find my way and be contented with it. Amen.

Needing GOD

We need God’s protection against those who call good evil and evil good. We cannot defeat this evil until the cause, when, and how it started, is revealed. We are at a critical juncture as we approach the crucifixion anniversary. Those who continue to follow ways of wickedness should pray for God’s blessings and good sense. Now is the wrong time to disregard, disrespect, or deny the teachings of Jesus Christ. The last thing humans can do is make God angry when He sacrificed His Son for our benefit. 

 There are schemes against good, righteousness, and truth. Schemes that reverse their meaning twist the fact into lies to accomplish their evil intents. This takeover is on a track that, in a few days, will be irreversible. When we pray and do nothing, they win.

This New World

 In recent years, many have come close to doubting fairness in life. Christians understand that life is filled with ups, downs and joy, but the global challenges have worn on the strongest beings. The past season of plagues, climate disasters, and being quarantined does not provide an environment conducive to human development. It was through prayer and the rising of every sun that hope appeared.

The world was created to operate in harmony and by divine order. Without humanity tampering with its natural flow, we would not live on a diseased earth. The earth was designed to supply food and water to the world, but now the earth suffers a chemical imbalance. All life-supporting ecology flowed naturally, and in harmony by God’s divine order. So did humanity until humankind's interference.

 When you are stuck or frustrated with the unfolding of life, remember the orderly pattern of the seasons as they change. Think of the rising of each new sun. God created the sun, and without fail, circumstances, or humankind's inteference_ the sun will continue to rise and set. Just as the dormant grass from winter shows new life as spring approaches, your life will gradually move into the next phase.

 What is your state of being today? If you are doubting the wonders of Jesus Christ and why He allows things to happen as they do: be patient as one season turns into the next.